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“Where Legends are made”

Squash League

Why do squash?

Squash is an excellent sport for boosting health and fitness. This fast-paced game provides a high-intensity cardiovascular workout, enhancing heart health and increasing stamina. The quick movements and agility required in squash help improve coordination, balance, and flexibility. It's a fantastic calorie burner, aiding in weight management and muscle toning. Additionally, the strategic nature of squash sharpens mental acuity, enhancing focus and decision-making skills. Playing squash is also a great way to relieve stress and boost mood, thanks to the endorphins released during exercise. For a fun, challenging, and highly effective way to improve overall health, squash is an ideal choice.

Our Programs

  • Junior (Under 14)

    Teaching the basics and fundamentals of serving, shooting, and strategy so that you may conquer your game during the season

  • Squash League Tournament

    Come compete in our Peak Squash League every 6 months,



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